Gender Respect Project 2013-2016

Aiming to help children and young people to understand, question and challenge gender inequality and violence.

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Teacher Blog: Carol

One Billion Rising

I delivered an assembly to Y11 students on Monday morning.  It was well received and the students were interested and engaged.  The PowerPoint adapted from the secondary one in the Teaching Ideas part of this site is to be put on the homepage of the school site and on rolling screens around the school.

The Year Leader commented: ‘Carol came in and gave an assembly to raise awareness of the ‘One Billion Rising’ movement and to promote the events happening in Sheffield on 14th Feb. The presentation gave an excellent background to the size of the challenge facing women globally and Carol used a combination of statistics, questions to the audience and visual images. The official video also really added to the overall impact. She had the full attention of all (c220) students and many commented afterwards on how powerful and interesting they’d found the assembly. We’re really grateful for Carol’s input. She was clearly well versed in these issues and pitched it just right for our Y11 students.’

Following the assembly several students approached pastoral staff about issues relating to gender based violence, some saying that they wanted to join in the dance. Judging by the students’ responses gender based violence seems to be something highly relevant and important to raise with secondary students while ensuring that pastoral support is in place for those students who have direct or indirect experience of it. The students welcomed the information about possible action that they could take on this issue.